Forensic Update

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Through the Google Glass Darkly…

Posted by Johnny Lee on December 10, 2013


It’s always a challenge to summarize the year for a subject matter as volatile and complicated as Electronic Discovery.  One could spend a few hours looking through the lens of a Google search engine, and days digesting the results, or you could simply peruse the superb summary penned by Joshua Gilliland, the blogger for Bow Tie Law, one of the two attorney bloggers for The Legal Geeks, and a Litigation World columnist.

It’s this last forum where we find the year-in-review that neatly summarizes the four most prominent “lessons learned” from the 2013 eDiscovery trenches.  I commend this to all in this space, as it captures the major themes and provides the most cogent excerpts from the key court opinions that shaped this very interesting year for our industry.

Gilliland readily focuses on the four lessons that “rise above all others: (1) the duty to preserve remains a hot button issue, (2) litigators still fight over the form of production, (3) proportionality is alive and well, and (4) taxation of costs is a sleeping giant we need to confront.”  Please do take the time to review this update…you won’t regret it.


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